A new little goal of mine: to try every possible macaron flavor.

It was a pleasant surprise this past weekend when I went to my favorite place to get macarons in Montreal, Point G, to find that there was a lineup out the door. It turns out that the store was celebrating Macaron Day and that it was my lucky day because macarons were 50% off! Of course, I could not resist this great opportunity and bought myself two boxes of an assortment of macaron flavors. No, I did not keep and eat all of the macarons, although there is no denying that I probably could have eaten the two boxes, but I am not sure how beneficial that would be for my summer workout regime. I definitely do not think I can ever get tired of these tasty little treats. Instead of a glass of milk and chocolate chip cookies, now it is a glass of milk and macarons. Yum! I can not stop this obsession over how delicious these pastries are. I ask myself why I was neglected of these macarons during my childhood years, but at least I now have an excuse to eat an excess number of these little buttons to make up for it!
French macaroons are a delight to the eye, what colours!
I love french macaroons. They are so yummy, and I like that they are small enough so I don't feel guilty. :)
I've only had a few macaroons before, but they are just so pretty! I love all the colors!
- G. (Tulle & Combat Boots)
macarons are always sooo pretty! I am going to try to make them myself this summer!
hmmm beautiful pictures,
just followed your blog .. you can visit mine too
Viaggio Della Farfalla
The Key Item
I've never tried them but they look yummy.
xx Allie
I loooove macarons! Diggin the pics :)
they are so hard to find in the SFV but there are a few options in LA! they are delicious! i tried my first ones not too long ago. and whoa, they were expensive!
I love macarons too! And it doesn't hurt that they're so pretty to look at :)
what an amazing blog...
if you want we could follow each other..let me know...
I've tried quite a few flavours but my heart belongs to caramel and fleur de sel... always. :-)
Macaroons are simply too luxurious, too good, too amazing to be given to children that is all. It's a treat for adults, as adulthood is hard enough, kids cannot have everything, so that's why you were denied those marvels when you were little. You deserve them NOW ;)
Gosh now I really have a craving for something sweet
Mmm... that sounds like a delicious plan!
i so want a delish recipe to make these! looked everywhere but theeeese are the kinds i wanna create! do share if ya have a link thank you!
i love love love french macarons...I miss living in London and going to Laduree at Harrods. I must try this spot when I am in Mtl next.
These look so good and too pretty to eat! lol
Nice meeting you on IFB. I am following. Don't forget to check me out :)
I love macaroons and these look almost too pretty to eat. I love your blog!http://foodfashionandflow.blogspot.com/
macarons Om nom nom!
reminds me so much of Paris!
Macaroons are so gorgeous, but I still have yet to try one - I don't know how I've managed not to!
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