I am definitely in a complete phase of lust over these amazing Balenciaga statement-making cut-outs which are featured in the May 2011 issue of Vogue Japan.

Although that pair by Balenciaga is absolutely perfect, they will most likely be out of my budget range when it comes to a pair of shoes. Therefore, I could not be more happy to find a pair of cut-out boots from Jeffrey Campbell (via Nasty Gal).

...Or maybe I should stick with the classic black leather ankle boot, which I can easily wear year-round.

(Rag & Bone, Frye)
OMG My post tonight is going to be on cut-out boots!!! Great minds think alike I guess :)...
But I definitely love the idea of cut out boots b/c I love the way boots look with my dresses and shorts in the summer but obviously I get too hot with regular boots, so cut out boots are the perfect solution :)
Cut out boots in Japan? Yes. Montreal? Soon, perhaps.
I love the classic ones:-)
Love the boots!
very cool! but it does beg the question of cold feet :P ronan x
WOW this is all so new to me but thanks for sharing! Need to look into this :)
these cut-out boots are really awesome.
I'm debating the same thing! I may go with longevity and get classic!
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Those shoes <3
Lets follow each other :)
I love these boots too. I tried them on and they were so narrow..definitely not a good fit ..for me at least.
I AM SO SAD THE ROSIE CUT OUT BOOTS ARE DISCONTINUED AND SOLD OUT IN MY SIZE ON NASTYGAL AND SOLD OUT COMPLETELY ON REVOLVECLOTHING D: D: My cutout combat boot dreams have been crushed into shards of glass... :( Would you do a post on alternatives or something? :) x
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